Summary Of CeMat-SEA-TransAsia Jakarta

Economic Policy Update for Indonesian Competitiveness in Regional and Global Supply Chain Sector 
Speaker1: Basuki Hadimujiono (Minister of Public Work and Housing)
Speaker2: Rusli Rahim (Director for Infrastructure of Connectivity and Logistic System)
Speaker3: Ridwan Djamaludin Deputy Coordinating Minister for Maritim Affairs forInfrastructure)

Moderator : Mr. Yukki Nugrahawan Hanafi ( Chairman of ALFI )

Vision, Mission and Objectives SISLOGNAS In The Year Of 2025

The vision is:
 " Locally Integrated, Globally Connected for National Competitiveness and Social Welfare"

The mission is:
1. Streamlining the flow of goods effectively and efficiently to ensure compliance
the basic needs of the people and improving the competitiveness of national products on the market
domestic, regional, and global.
2. Establish a national logistics node node and connectivity ranging from rustic,
urban, inter-regional and inter-island up to the International Hub Ports
through collaboration among stakeholders.

To facilitate the flow of goods effectively and efficiently
1. Reduce logistics costs, smooth flow of goods and improve logistics services so that
improve the competitiveness of national products in the global market and domestic market.
2. Ensuring the availability of basic and strategic commodities throughout Indonesia with prices
affordable so as to encourage the achievement of a just and prosperous society, and strengthen the sovereignty and integrity of the Republic;
3. Prepare to achieve the target of logistics integration of ASEAN in 2013, the market integration
ASEAN in 2015, and the integration of the global market in 2020.

According to Bapenas the infrastructure needs 2015-2019
Government funding only have USD 125 Billion and still have gap USD 386 billion so, to reach the status of midle income country by 2025, Indonesia needs to invest USD 511 Billion in 2015 – 2019

There are 9 Nawacita according to President, but only 3 that focused on logistics program, some of them are:
1.                  Indonesia build from the periphery to strengthen the area - areas and villages within the framework of unitary state.
2.                  Improve people's productivity and competitiveness in the international market.
3.                  Realize economic independence by moving domestic strategic economic sectors.
The associated logistics package is the package I, VIII, IX, XI. to build conectivity economics in villages and city.

·                     Sarkes formed, Acceleration and Resolution of cases.
·                     Dependet with Sislognas.

Scope of Infrastructure programs:
1.             Connectivity Infrastructure logistics system, Land use management
2.             Mining and energy infrastructure.
3.             Shipping, Fishery and Tourism Infrastructure.
4.             Infrastructure Supporting Industry.
There are 4 MAIN PROGRAM from scope of insfrastructure programs:
1.             INFRASTRUCTURE
4.             NATURAL RESOURCES.
National Strategic Projects. Presidental Regulation Nr 3/2016. 
Need so many Fund for fullfill what consumer needs.
Indo, future 5th largest economy
New initiatives, deregulation, acceleration, efficiency, public services, coruption eradication
Reducing Development gaps 
Focus on EMPLOYMENT POTENTIAL. (Cold Chain, Storgare, Shipping, Infrastructure).

Government Work Plans

2016 :
·                     Accelerating infrastructure development to strengthen the foundation of quality development 
2017 :
·                     Boosting infrastructure and economic development to provide jop oppurtunities, poverty alleviation, and reducing regional development gaps. 
Investment One Stop Service
1.            Tax Allowence Approval from 28 days o 25 days
2.            Tax Holiday Approval from 125 days to 45 days
3.            3-Hour Investements Permits
4.            Derict Construction Permit


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